Born Free explains that it is a “myth” that the elephant’s ability to paint is a result of their natural cleverness. Elephants endure months of physical abuse to learn how to hold a paint brush, draw a straight line and paint flowers and leaves on trees.
by Alastair Leithead, BBC News
15 August 2018
A whistle-blower has told the BBC he was the middleman between rhino-horn smugglers and a court syndicate in South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal province.
by Monkey Child
Published March 2, 2018
Lwiro Primates, a rehabilitation center and sanctuary for nearly 200 orphaned chimpanzees and monkeys in Congo, shared a heart-melting video of a baby chimp rescue on Wednesday. In it, tiny Mussa sits in the lap of a pilot who is flying the animal from Virunga National Park to safety with Lwiro.
October 2017
It doesn’t matter how big the temptation is, how cute the animals are, or whether an abandoned baby was found somewhere – there are no excuses – taming wild animals as pets is impermissible.
by Phillip Mlynar
At the peak of the event, which started around a decade ago, Humane Society International (HSI) estimates that up to 10,000 dogs were killed.
by Humane Society International
Imagine a syringe being forced down your throat and a massive chemical dose pumped into your stomach, or being squeezed into restraints and forced to breathe toxic vapours for hours. From drugs to pesticides and household cleaners, chemicals and products of all descriptions are still being tested in massive doses on dogs, mice, rabbits and other animals.
by Humane Society International
“The claim that animal experimentation is essential to medical development is not supported by proper, scientific evidence but by opinion and anecdote.
by WND
January 22, 2018
Islam’s hatred of dogs, cruelty to animals.
Published by Wexpen
October 1, 2010
In 1969 a young Australian, John Rendall and his friend Ace Bourke, bought a small lion cub from Harrods pet department, which was then legal. ‘Christian’ was kept in the basement of a furniture shop on the Kings Road in Chelsea, the heart of the swinging sixties. Loved by all, the affectionate cub ate in a local restaurant, played in a nearby graveyard, but was growing fast…
by GaryTVcom
Published on July 1, 2017
A compassionate world begins with you
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