Category: Animals and Animal cruelty





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Fish in tanks

by Peta

Fish are intelligent, sensitive animals who think and feel pain the same way that cats and dogs do. In fact, scientists at Oxford University have discovered that some fish can learn faster than dogs. Fish crave stimulation from other fish and from their environment.  Few people realize just how much fish suffer before they reach pet stores or know how to care for them properly once they get them home.

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There is no such thing as a ‘cage bird’

by Peta

 Driven mad from boredom and loneliness, caged birds often become aggressive, neurotic, and self-destructive. They pull out their own feathers, mutilate their skin, incessantly bob their heads and regurgitate, pace back and forth, peck over and over again at cage bars, and shake or even collapse from anxiety.

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Alternatives to animal testing

by Peta

Today — because experiments on animals are cruel, expensive, and generally inapplicable to humans—the world’s most forward-thinking scientists have moved on to develop and use methods for studying diseases and testing products that replace animals and are actually relevant to human health. These modern methods include sophisticated tests using human cells and tissues, advanced computer-modeling techniques, and studies with human volunteers.

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The moment a black rhino’s horn is sawn off using a chainsaw… by kind hearted rangers to save him from predatory poachers

by Jane Flanagan
August 28, 2015

This is the moment a safari park took drastic action to stop poachers from killing a rare black rhino and sawed off its valuable horn using a chainsaw. The project to remove horns of white and rare black rhinos is by the World Heritage Site in eastern South Africa, was to stop them from being attacked by poachers.

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Is elephant and rhino poaching funding terrorism?

by Save The Rhino

Illegal wildlife trafficking is one of the world’s top criminal activities – ranked alongside drugs, arms and human trafficking. Rhino poaching is being carried out by criminal gangs, potentially linked to extremist groups with sophisticated multi-national networks.

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Mexico’s Congress Votes To Ban Animal Circuses As U.S. Lags Behind

by Stephen Messenger
Decembe 12, 2014

In a historic vote on Thursday, one which marks a significant step toward preventing exploitation of animals, Mexico’s congress approved a new measure to ban animal circuses nationwide — joining a small, but growing list of nations which have already outlawed the controversial practice. In their opinion, Congress wrote that “the use of animals in circuses provides no educational value to viewers,” saying that the animals exhibited in circuses only perform “because they fear what may happen if they do not.”

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Direct care and rescue of the great apes

by In Defense of Animals

Great apes will remain under the rapidly increasing threat of extinction until it becomes socially unacceptable to kill or eat chimpanzees and gorillas. Our outreach programs focus on increasing awareness about chimpanzees’ intelligence and emotional capacity, their similarity to humans, their endangered status and the laws against exploiting them.

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Hunting – “the murderous business”

by In Defense of Animals

Hunting may have played an important role, next to plant gathering and scavenging, for human survival in prehistoric times, but the modern “sportsman” stalks and kills animals for “recreation.” Hunting is a violent and cowardly form of outdoor “entertainment” that kills hundreds of millions of animals every year, many of whom are wounded and die a slow and painful death. Hunters cause injuries, pain and suffering to defenseless animals, destroy their families and habitat, and leave terrified and dependent baby animals behind to starve to death.

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