by Ludovica Iaccino
November 7, 2014 13:13 GMT
Dog owners in Iran will be sentenced to 74 lashes if they are caught keeping the pets at home or walking them in public. The new punishment is contained in a new draft bill signed by 32 members of the Iranian parliament, according to Iran’s most reformist newspaper Shargh.
by All-creatures
Racehorses are the victims of a multibillion-dollar industry that is rife with drug abuse, injuries, and race fixing, and many horses’ careers end in slaughterhouses.
by stopbullfighting
It seems hard to believe that in this so-called civilised age, a most vicious and cruel spectacle of blood continues to flourish in Spain and certain other countries. Bullfighting is barbaric and should have been banned long ago, as bear-baiting was. It is difficult to understand how crowds of people will pay money and take pleasure in watching one lone creature – who has never done them any harm — getting hacked to death. How can anyone with an ounce of compassion, cheer and chant olé as a banderilla or lance is thrust into the animal’s pain-racked body?
The greyhound racing industry treats dogs like running machines. For the few minutes that a dog spends on a track during a race, he or she will spend many hours confined to a cramped cage or kennel. Thousands of greyhounds die each year—some in the name of “selective breeding”—before they ever touch a racetrack. Many dogs do not make it to the nominal “retirement” age of 4 or 5.
Teaching kids to have compassion and empathy for their furry, feathered, and finned friends is vital for preventing cruelty to animals as well as in raising them to respect and treat those who are different from them with kindness.
Using shock collars on dogs is worse than choking or hitting them.
The average domestic pet, such as a dog, cat—even a goldfish—can also provide many therapeutic and health benefits. Pets can ease loneliness, reduce stress, promote social interaction, encourage exercise and playfulness, and provide unconditional love and affection. Caring for a pet may even help you live longer.
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by Seashepherd
January 29, 2014
60-65 Striped Dolphins Brutally Massacred in the Cove Yesterday.
by Al Jazeera
October 4, 2013
Conservationists say a recent surge in elephant poaching is putting the world’s biggest land mammal on the brink of extinction. On Friday, advocates held marches in more than a dozen cities across the globe — from Australia to Thailand to Tanzania — hoping to put an end to the practice of slaughtering elephants so their tusks can be used for the illegal ivory trade.
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