by Randy J. Guliuzza, P.E., M.D.
February 27, 2015
In the one critical minute after delivery, the baby’s body has initiated actual structural changes enabling it to survive in its radically different environment with all temporary vessels, shunts, and openings functionally closed in the first 30 minutes.
by Alpha Omega Institute
July 31, 2012
Another very important reason for the 8th day circumcision deals with blood clotting.
by Christ for Today
March/April 2016
So many essential conditions are necessary for life to exist on our earth that it is mathematically impossible that all of them could exist in proper relationship by chance on any one earth at one time.
by Scott Dunkley
The virgin birth is an important Christian doctrine. But is it actually true? Or did Christians simply borrow it from other, pagan myths and use it as their own?
by Premier Christian Radio
Have you ever wondered why God commanded the Israelites to circumcise their male children on the eighth day in the Bible?
by Eric Lyons, M.Min. and Kyle Butt, M.Div.
Although atheists contend that God does not exist and agnostics allege that there is a very high probability that He does not exist, theism is the rational belief that there is a God. A sincere pursuer of truth who follows the available evidence will come to the logical conclusion that God exists.
by Dave Miller, Ph.D.
Luke, the author of the New Testament books of Luke and Acts, by profession, was a physician. His writings manifest an intimate acquaintance with the technical language of the Greek medical schools of Asia Minor.
by Mark Pickering and Peter Saunders
There are essentially four different areas where people may charge the Bible with error: errors of fact, -verbal transmission, -written transmission and contradictions. We have looked briefly at the four main areas in which the Bible is often charged with error, showing that the charges are unfounded.
by Answers in Genesis
October 1, 2016
Various cultures around the world have legends about a flood that destroyed the earth. Some stories include a family and a boat. The prevalence of flood legends is easy to explain if Noahʼs descendants carried with them versions of the true history about Noahʼs Ark, but this history was corrupted over the centuries.
by David Fiorazo
March 20, 2018
Historical, prophetic, and archaeological evidence confirms the resurrection of Jesus Christ – and it has absolutely nothing to do with the Easter bunny, chocolate or pastels!
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