by Michael Houdmann
السؤال: هل يسوع هو الطريق الوحيد للسماء؟
by Michael Houdmann
السؤال: ما هى خطه الخلاص؟
by Michael Houdmann
السؤال: ما هو الخلاص؟ ما هو المعتقد المسيحي للخلاص؟
by Michael Houdmann
لسؤال: ما معنى أن يسوع مات عن خطايانا؟
by Michael Houdmann
Question: “Why is being a good person not enough to get you into heaven?”
by Michael Houdmann
السؤال: ما هي الكفارة البديلة؟
by Michael Houdmann
السؤال: كيف أتغلب على الخطيئة فى حياتى المسيحية؟
by Michael Houdmann
ما معنى أن الله قدوس قدوس قدوس؟
by Michael Houdmann
Sin often harms another person, but, ultimately, all sin is against God. The Bible is contains many references to people admitting, “I have sinned against God”.
by Michael Houdmann
God hates sin because it is the very antithesis of His nature. The psalmist describes God’s hatred of sin this way: “For You are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness; no evil dwells with You”. God hates sin because He is holy; holiness is the most exalted of all His attributes. His holiness totally saturates His being. His holiness epitomizes His moral perfection and His absolute freedom from blemish of any kind.
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