Category: Biblical teachings





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Examine yourself

by John McArthur

Are you a Christian? Many people who claim to be point to some event in the past to substantiate their claim. But inviting Jesus to come into your life in the past is not proof that you are genuinely saved.

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Why does God allow tragedy and suffering?

by Lee Strobel

Let’s focus on the big, overarching issue of why God generally allows suffering in our lives – your life and mine. Friends, this is important: even though we can’t understand everything about it, we can understand some things.

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The Bible’s teaching on marriage and family

by Andreas Kostenberger

Today, marriage and the family are regularly viewed as social conventions that can be entered into and severed by the marital partners at will. As long as a given marriage relationship meets the needs of both individuals involved and is considered advantageous by both sides, the marriage is worth sustaining.

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What if the worst happens?

by Vaneetha Rendall Risner
July 24, 2014

I found myself growing fearful. Not a heart-stopping all-encompassing fear, but the kind of constant gnawing that creeps into your bones when you hear bad news or see something going awry. When you extrapolate the discouraging trends of the present into the future and assume things will never change.

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Why did God condone such terrible violence in the Old Testament?

by Michael Houdmann

The fact that God commanded the killing of entire nations in the Old Testament has been the subject of harsh criticism from opponents of Christianity for some time. That there was violence in the Old Testament is indisputable. The question is whether Old Testament violence is justifiable and condoned by God.

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God’s love in the Old Testament

by Rational Christianity

The Old Testament often speaks of God’s love. Though the Israelites repeatedly rejected God and did wrong, God continued to love them (and all other people).

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Does the judgement seat of Christ matter just now?

by Howard Green
September 26, 2016

There is a day coming in which every Christian will stand before the Judgement Seat of Christ. On that day we will see our Lord face to face and He will give us our rewards based on what we do for His kingdom now in this life. With that sobering thought in mind, we need to examine our heart and our motives to be intentional about Bema Seat living.

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