by Guest
March 23, 2017
At the heart of the film are two intertwining themes: that we can only find happiness in caring for each other and that all of us are vulnerable and needy, not just people with Down syndrome.
by Pastor David J. Meyer
As a former witch, astrologer, and occultist who has been saved by the grace of God, I know that the works of C.S. Lewis are required reading by neophyte witches, especially in the United States and England. This includes The Chronicles of Narnia, because it teaches neophyte, or new witches, the basic mindset of the craft.
by Leading The Way
February 24, 2017
This Spring, the New York Times bestselling book The Shack by William P. Young will come to the big screen. The emotionally charged story seems to offer a resolution to the problem of pain. Are The Shack’s underlying teachings Biblically sound, or a far reach from the teachings of God’s Word?
by C.H. Fisher
January 31, 2017
The dangers of the movie are first its heterodoxy that one can apostatize to avoid martyrdom and remain a child of God. An equal danger is the obvious allure of Contemplative Spirituality. This diabolical movie may prepare innumerable anemic professing Christians to compromise their faith under the pressure of persecution.
Author: Gregory Reid
“I belong to a company of men and boys, mostly silent and scared. So few have survived well enough to talk about it. I know I have to talk, because I DID survive, and because I see them in every group I meet, from five to seventy-years-old suffering, silent victims who are not really considered REAL victims by many.”
Author: Patrick Crough
Countless numbers of children will be sexually abused by the time they reach their 18th birthday. Sadly, most parents won’t even see it coming. They don’t realize that sexual predators of children are often friendly, helpful, and attentive, drawing in a child, not by force but rather through enticing seduction.
Author: Catherine Brown
The true story of a young woman who discovers her children have become victims of child pornography. A compelling and hard-to-put-down book that takes the reader through a twenty-year period in the author’s life. This crisis forces the young mother to go into hiding with her children to protect them.
by Vaneetha Rendall Risner
In The Scars That Have Shaped Me, Vaneetha does more than share her stories of pain; she invites other sufferers to taste with her the goodness of a sovereign God who will carry us in our darkest of days.
Authors: Marilyn J. Harran and John Roth
The Holocaust Chronicle, written and fact-checked by top scholars, recounts the long, complex, anguishing story of the most terrible crime of the 20th century. A massive, oversized hardcover of more than 750 pages, The Holocaust Chronicle: A History in Words and Pictures is an excitingly unique, not for-profit endeavor of the publisher, Louis Weber.
Author: Dave Hunt
As this timely reprint of the best-selling 1998 first edition powerfully documents, today’s popular obsession with spiritual revolution, “societal transformation,” paranormal activity, and “supernatural” signs and wonders has not just magically appeared by chance.
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