by L. Sharp
The movie begins by introducing Moses (played by Christian Bale) as a trained army general, part of the current Pharaoh’s ruling family, preparing to attack a Hittite army with his “brother” (Pharaoh-in-waiting Ramses). This is an early indicator that this movie is going to stray from accurate biblical accounts, as there is no historical nor biblical support for Moses having an Egyptian brother, nor that Moses ever served in the Egyptian army or trained as a warrior/soldier during his formative years in Egypt.
by Paul Hutchins
Hubble Reveals Creation by an Awe-Inspiring Power makes an intellectually compelling case that the order of the universe was a planned, rather than a random action. It is a four-time award winning book that will captivate you as it takes you to the core of our very existence confirming your belief in God! It is based on the discoveries of the Hubble telescope over the past two decades and takes you on an awe-inspiring journey revealing how Hubble has captured the Greatest Cinematic Drama in human history; the creation of an Awe-Inspiring universe.
Author: Stephen C. Meyer
When Charles Darwin finished The Origin of Species, he thought that he had explained every clue, but one. Though his theory could explain many facts, Darwin knew that there was a significant event in the history of life that his theory did not explain.
Author: Rodney Stark
Another one by Stark, this 248-page book addresses what some consider to be a massive stain on Christian history: the Crusades. Many critics of Christianity use the Crusades as a murderous example of Christian imperialism, and as a reason to discount the faith. Stark paints an altogether different picture of why the Crusades happened, who took part, and what they achieved.
Author: Rodney Stark
At 418 pages, this one is not a quick read, but it sure feels quick. This is a fascinating study of early Christian history, and it explores how a tiny, upstart faith came to be the dominant religion throughout the Roman Empire—and beyond—in just a few centuries.
Authors: Gary Habermas and Mike Licona
This book provides a range of historical evidences to support the gospel accounts. Its primary focus is on Jesus’ resurrection, and it does an admirable job of making its case. It also provides helpful guidance to Christians who wish to share their faith with others. Such guidance is needed, as many Christians are rather uncomfortable doing this…or are not very skilled at it.
Authors: Josh McDowell and Sean McDowell
Updated for a new generation of seekers with revised material and a new chapter, this bestseller introduces the real Jesus – a carpenter, a religious leader, and the Son of God. The McDowells reveal how they searched for meaning, truth, and relevance – finding the answers in Jesus Christ. Discover how you can find him, too!
Author: Lee Strobel
This is the book that awakened my interest in Christian apologetics, and I highly recommend it. It’s a fast-paced book that covers a lot of ground. Strobel made his own journey from atheist to Christian, then wrote this book to share the things he learned along the way.
by YouVersion
Tens of millions of people are using the Bible App™ to make God’s Word a part of their daily lives. Download the free app and access your bookmarks, notes, and reading plans from anywhere. Enjoy hundreds of versions, including audio, all on your mobile device.
by Ray Comfort
Aug 6, 2013
“Ray Comfort’s ability to insightfully shred the vain reasoning’s of men is a gift, and this film is a tour de force exposure of the emptiness of humanism.” Dr. James
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