by Dennis Rainey
There is no way to avoid conflict in your marriage. The question is: How will you deal with it?
by Dennis Rainey
Let me begin by saying that I cannot think of a circumstance in a marriage or family that could justify abuse of any kind – emotional, mental, physical, or sexual. Abusive behavior was never and can never be a part of God’s plan for a marriage or a family.
by Living for Jesus alone Ministries
January 24, 2015
Holy living is something that must play an extremely important role in the life of every believer in Christ. Holiness is the tenet that creates a clear distinction between those who are in Christ and those who are not.
by Melody Green
Marriage is the biggest and most important decision you will make after your decision to follow Jesus. All marriages start out with a “first date”. One of the main problems is that too many Christians approach the idea of dating with far too casual an attitude.
by Vaneetha Rendall Risner
September 17, 2015
I would look around at my friends’ lives and feel cheated. I knew they had their own struggles, but from my perspective, God streamed sunshine over their days while mine were overshadowed by clouds and pouring rain. It was hard to see God’s love in that.
by Scott Williams
How long since you’ve had a checkup to assess your spiritual health?
by Dr. Steven C. Riser
Christian joy is not so much a feeling as it is a choice. But some will immediately respond, “How can I possibly be always joyful with the hurts, the pains and the difficulties that God has allowed to enter my life?” That’s a fair question but God has a good answer.
by Andreas Kostenberger
Today, marriage and the family are regularly viewed as social conventions that can be entered into and severed by the marital partners at will. As long as a given marriage relationship meets the needs of both individuals involved and is considered advantageous by both sides, the marriage is worth sustaining.
by Karen O’Conner
How could I forgive the woman who had gone after my husband and ultimately married him?
by Vaneetha Rendall Risner
July 24, 2014
I found myself growing fearful. Not a heart-stopping all-encompassing fear, but the kind of constant gnawing that creeps into your bones when you hear bad news or see something going awry. When you extrapolate the discouraging trends of the present into the future and assume things will never change.
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