by Noelene Curry
June 17, 2016
A relationship is just like a garden. A garden needs to be watered and fertilized and weeds need to be pulled out on a regular basis. When you neglect to pull out the weeds in your garden they will eventually take over the whole garden, choking the life out of the other plants. In other words, if you want your garden to grow and flourish you need to put aside time to spend in it.
by Arlene Pellicane
November 19, 2014
Since I was speaking at a youth conference about teens and technology, I figured the dad waiting to speak with me wanted to talk about his crazy texting teenager. You see, this man was a father of three who had a wonderful wife except for one little area. She was addicted to Twitter.
by Arlene Pellicane
June 21, 2016
When your spouse walks into the door of your home, does he or she think “Phew, I’m home now” or “Oh boy, here it comes.”
by Tami Myer
August 12, 2015
These are not the foundational principles of marriage. These tips are one-sentence nuggets of practical advice. They are easy to understand, sometimes difficult to implement, but absolutely transformative.
by Michael Houdman
Humankind is not naturally hones. Dishonesty has worldly rewards – lying can often bring financial gain, power, or temporary satisfaction. But the rewards come at a price.
by Michael Houdmann
Joy is something we all long for but that often seems difficult to grab hold of. Experiencing joy should be a part of every Christian’s life. Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, produced only by God’s work in us.
by Jen Thorn
We tend to use the word “friend” quite carelessly. Any person we have a few conversations with, work with, or “like” on Facebook we call “friend.” This is not necessarily bad, but through it, I believe, we are losing the real meaning of Biblical friendship.
by Mark Altrogge
Our culture constantly tells us to build our self-esteem and think highly of ourselves. Yet the Bible urges us to do the opposite. To pursue humility. And we have plenty of reasons to be humble.
by Truth For The World
In order to learn compassion, we need to turn to the source of it, the Master Teacher. We need to cry, in effect, “Lord, teach us compassion.” Let us examine three ways in which Christ helps us to manifest this beautiful, but seemingly elusive quality in today’s self serving society.
by Gertrude Jefferies
Please be there to help me,
For I cannot stand alone.
Please be there to guide me,
I can’t make it on my own.
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