Category: Church – Christianity





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The necessity of sanctification

by Living For Jesus Alone Ministries

Sanctification is the separation from anything contrary to the Word of God, or anything that can hold us back from God’s purpose for our lives. To put it clearly, separation from anything sinful that we had been indulging in prior to being saved.

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The rise of religious narcissism

by Bruce W. Davidson

Following the lead of people like Joel Osteen and Rick Warren, scores of religious leaders today preach therapeutic, motivational messages rather than expounding the text of any scripture. Subjective, postmodern religiosity has allowed skepticism into the evangelical movement, which was originally committed to biblical authority as the objective standard of faith.

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Why would anyone want to be holy? (4)

Discovery Series

Why waste time thinking about something that sounds impossible? For that matter, why would we even want to run the risk of being thought of as someone who is out of step with society? Why give others an excuse to write us off as being different, impractical, self-righteous, or just plain naive.

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Unholy alliances to the apostate bridge – Resetting the Reformation (2)

by Herescope
October 3, 2016

What many zealous proponents of ecumenical unity neglect to realize, is that this unholy alliance is a necessary step in completing Rome’s ungodly interreligious bridge to one world unification – under the authority of the Pope himself. Without question, the Evangelical change agents involved in this ungodly endeavor, who are leading their own enormous flocks and Internet audience into apostasy, all look to the Roman Pontiff for direction, approval, and affirmation.

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Unholy alliances to the apostate bridge – Resetting the Reformation

by Herescope
October 3, 2016

What many zealous proponents of ecumenical unity neglect to realize, is that this unholy alliance is a necessary step in completing Rome’s ungodly interreligious bridge to one world unification – under the authority of the Pope himself. Without question, the Evangelical change agents involved in this ungodly endeavor, who are leading their own enormous flocks and Internet audience into apostasy, all look to the Roman Pontiff for direction, approval, and affirmation.

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André Bekker (eks-gay) se ope brief and die moderamen

deur Andre Bekker
Oktober 5, 2016

“Sê nou leiers is verkeerd, en homoseks is sonde, wat dan?” Was my vraag aan ’n baie bekende pro-gay terapeut in die NG Kerk geledere. Die antwoord op die vraag was: “as ek fouteer dan wil ek eerder fouteer aan die kant van liefde.”

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Mysticism and the coming world religion – Part one

by T. A. McMahon
September 29, 2016

According to the Scriptures, in the last days prior to Christ’s return a religion will appear that will deceive virtually the entire world into following it. It will be led by the Antichrist who will be worshiped as God.

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A directory of authors (Three NOT recommended lists)

by Chris Lawson
December 9, 2013

 It is no secret these days that Christian bookstore and ministry resource databases are often jam-packed with so – called Christian resources that are actually promoting anything but biblical Christianity. This is the primary reason for these three lists – to help warn and protect you, the reader, and to provide a quick reference guide.

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Leonard Sweet – A more magnificent way of seeing Christ?

by Warren B Smith
September 5, 2016

Leonard Sweet’s mission is to help the church become more culturally relevant in the 21st century. However, as he attempts to walk the narrow line between the Gospel and the world, he frequently walks over that line into the false teachings of the New Age/New Spirituality.

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Needed: Real heroes to stand their ground

by Ken Ham

How many Christians are really prepared to stand their ground when it comes to being bold for the Christian faith, especially in our culture that is increasingly turning against Christians and seeing them as the enemy?

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