deur Bibleguidance
In sy artikel oor Jesus Christus en sy evangelie (Die Ou Dominee en Ek) neem dr. Abel Pienaar van die Renaissance Gemeente in Pretoria verskeie standpunte in wat lynreg met Bybelse sienings in botsing is.
deur Sentrum vir eietydse spiritualiteit
2 Timoteus 4:3 want daar sal ‘n tyd wees wanneer hulle die gesonde leer nie sal verdra nie, maar, omdat hulle in hul gehoor gestreel wil wees, vir hulle ‘n menigte leraars sal versamel volgens hulle eie begeerlikhede.
deur Slabbert le Cornu
Julie 27, 2013
Ons lewe nou in tye waar om God se Woord te betwyfel, om die vastigheid van gereformeerde belydenis te verwerp, om skrifkrities met die Skrif om te gaan, om die Evangelie self te bevraagteken, ‘n groot deug geword het.
by NTEB News Desk
June 22, 2014
It is called the ‘House of One’
by Ben Rast
According to Bible prophecy, there will be a great apostasy from Christ’s church. Are we in such an apostasy now? Sadly, it seems evident that we are. Sound biblical teaching is slowly being usurped by doctrines that place inclusiveness above truth.
by Joel C. Rosenberg
June 23, 2014
The Presbyterian Church USA General Assembly voted last week to divest from companies that operate in Israel.
by Henrietta Klaasing
December 11, 2010
Nowadays, challenges within Reformed Churches to Biblical teachings are widespread. This book, just published (in Afrikaans), describes how liberal and humanistic trends, including evolution, are undermining the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa.
by McMahon, T.A.
The “seeker-friendly,” or “seeker-sensitive,” movement currently taking a host of evangelical churches by storm is an approach to evangelizing through application of the latest marketing techniques.
by Paul Proctor
Have you heard? There’s a new Jesus in town and he brings with him a NEW gospel message. It is a message that teaches a permissive kind of love…a love called “tolerance”…a love that hears no evil, sees no evil and frankly never brings evil up for discussion lest the offenders become the offended. Discussing the evil in our world — that is, the sinful nature of man — is a risky venture nowadays, especially for any Christian or church seeking to be loved and accepted BY that world.
by Matilda C. Edwards
“ not be conformed to this world…. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.” Romans 12:2, 9
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