Category: Church – Christianity





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How the Enemy advances

by David Fiorazo 
October 4, 2017

Many have already been deceived as the Enemy has had success defining the terms of battle, and in many cases, redefining words. The Left has been promoting sin as normal, natural, and healthy, and when Christians speak up, it leads to charges of intolerance. If we do nothing, even more people will call evil good.”

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Get ready for persecution in the West (2)

by Howard Green

If you are carefully watching what is going on in media, entertainment, government, and sadly some ministries… you will discern that the tide of public opinion is rapidly turning against true Bible believing Christians. It is time for followers of Jesus to get ready for persecution in the West.

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The Emerging Church (2)

by Pastor Jannie Viljoen

The “Jesus” of the Emergent church acknowledges that there are many ways to God and that spiritual truth can be found in all the religions of the world. The “Jesus” of the Emergent church is the ecumenical “Jesus” that will eventually unite all religions into the end-time world church of the Anti-Christ

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How the Sabbath was changed

by Joe Crews

If the change of the Sabbath did not take place in the Scriptures or through the influence of the apostles, when and how did it happen? In order to understand this, we must understand what happened in that early church soon after the apostles passed off the stage of action.

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THE REFORMATION: A brief but important look

by Roger Oakland
July 5, 2017

During the Reformation the reformers split from the Roman Catholic Church in an attempt to re-establish what they believed was a Bible-based Christianity. The reformers, and those who followed their lead, then faced what was called the Counter Reformation (by Rome) and were persecuted.

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