by David Cloud
Many people have walked into the Roman Catholic Church through the broad door of the “church fathers,” and this is a loud warning today when there is a widespread attraction to the “church fathers” within evangelicalism.
by Charles Henry, Jr.
How should we look at the larger issue of trying to obey God? Believe it or not, the idea of trying to obey God is becoming almost heretical in some Christian circles today. There are even seminars and conferences being offered today that deliberately minimize the importance of obeying God’s law.
by Herb Vander Lugt
Who chooses where we will spend eternity? For generations, readers of the Bible have struggled with this question. Countless arguments over the
role of God’s sovereignty and human freedom have divided individuals, churches, and denominations.
by Bill Muehlenberg
February 16, 2015
The hyper grace crowd preach the glorious truth of justification by grace alone, but then overlook the hundreds of imperatives found in the New Testament which urge these newly justified believers to work out this wonderful salvation by growing in obedience and holiness – sanctification in other words.
by David Dombrowski
July 25th, 2016
Jesus taught his disciples that in the last days, a time of mass delusion will come upon the earth. This is not only happening in the world, but it is happening in the church as well. It is shocking to see that doctrines and values formerly held sacred are now being discarded. Multitudes of Christians are being led to believe that if they can have some type of spiritual experience or witness a miracle, that will bear more validity than the words of Scripture itself.
by Kevin Reeves
February 15, 2013
Many of us have owned the glorious but erroneous vision of an end-times remnant walking in unconquerable power, transforming entire societies. The result has been nothing short of catastrophic. Every cult in the world has sprouted from the fertile soil of deception, always initiated by a drastic move away from the primacy of the Word of God into the nebulous, self-defining atmosphere of experience.
by T.A. McMahon
December 1, 2015
The cry of the Reformers was sola scriptura , which means that the Bible alone is to be the Christian’s authority in all matters of faith and practice. However, although Calvin and Luther, among others, waved that banner, they did not live by its important truth. They kept some baggage from their former faith that isn’t even found in God’s Word, or it is contrary to the teachings of Scripture.
by David W Cloud
This is a well-documented examination of the influential writer C.S. Lewis, who is loved with an equal fervor by “conservative evangelicals,” hell-denying emergents, Roman Catholics, Mormons, and even some atheists. We examine Lewis’ weak conversion testimony, his heresies, and the reason why he is so popular today..
by Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon
The writing team of Ankerberg and Weldon finish their look at the findings of the Jesus Seminar with this question: Which should be rejected: The New Testament, or Liberal Scholarship?
by Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon
The Jesus Seminar has been the source for many of the stories secular news magazines print about Jesus, especially around Easter and Christmas. Should they be considered authoritative? Can their scholarship be trusted? Drs. Ankerberg and Weldon look further at some of the problems with the Jesus Seminar in this article.
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