by Ken Ham
July 28, 2023
Babies who are deemed “unfit” or “undesirable” are simply discarded like medical waste or they are put into storage in a freezer, never to be given the chance to continue developing (though some families do adopt these embryos!). Again, it’s the commodification of human life!
by Mark Bradford
March 21, 2023
The cultural forces that favor abortion and elimination of genetic differences are strong.
by Kashmira Gander
October 15, 2019
Eugenics is a concept often associated with the horrors of Nazi Germany. But the ideology had its roots in 19th century Britain – and still affects people alive today.
by PennState Leadership
April 21, 2014
The history of eugenics is one of tragedy derived from science. Emerging from European and American academics in the 1860s and 1870s, Eugenics was initially the scientific, and later the political, idea that society and the human race could be improved genetically.
October 28, 2019
Historically, eugenics encouraged people of so-called healthy, superior stock to reproduce and discouraged reproduction of the mentally challenged or anyone who fell outside the social norm.
by Jacqueline Kasun
Dr. Jacqueline Kasun, Ph.D. The idea that humanity is multiplying at a terrible and accelerating rate is one of the false dogmas of our times. From that notion springs the widely held belief that unless population growth is immediately contained by every governmental and private method imaginable, mankind faces imminent disaster.
by Children In History
Eugenics were a group of sciences aimed an controlling hereditary factors in an effort to improve the human race through biological and social means. It was by no means a NAZI creation. The principle that the white race was superior was widely accepted in both intellectual and mainstream thought in America and Europe during the 19th and early 20th century.
by Robert Zubrin
Around the world, the population control movement has resulted in billions of lost or ruined lives. We cannot stop at merely rebutting the pseudoscience and recounting the crimes of the population controllers. We must also expose and confront the underlying antihumanist ideology.
by Maura Lerner
March 24, 2008
The exhibit shows how German doctors and scientists followed a path from mass sterilization to mass murder, as the list of ‘inferior people’ grew to the millions: Jews, Gypsies, blacks, deformed children, the mentally retarded, the mentally ill, the deaf, the blind.
by Christian Medical Fellowship
Discrimination against persons because of their race, gender or disabilities is an ugly reality. Discrimination based on genetic identity is even uglier. If we would preserve a truly human future for ourselves and for our children, then we must value individuals for who they are, not for what they can do.
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