by Joseph Paturi
We are more than the chemicals that form our body. We are a special creation of God. Man is God’s masterpiece – His workmanship, the crown of creation.
by Brian Thomas, M.S.
June 30, 2016
When people think of Neanderthals, an evolutionary image of primitive cave men might come to mind. This is bolstered by the perception that they looked very different from modern humans. However, Neanderthals bore four key features that assure us they were human and confirm the Genesis account of humanity’s recent origin.
by Paula Weston
The evolutionary view that life can evolve to ‘higher’ levels provides fuel for racist attitudes. The Bible, on the other hand, clearly shows the fallacy of racism.
by Marc Ambler
The German nation had been subjected for decades to the evolutionary theories of Darwin. They had also been subjected for many years to the ‘God-is-dead’ atheism of Nietzsche who believed that Darwinian evolution would eventually produce the Übermensch.
by Answers in Genesis
Without millions and billions of years, evolutionary history completely falls apart. Here are just a few of many credible evidences from various branches of science that tell of a world much younger than evolutionists claim.
by Don Batten
There are many categories of evidence for the age of the earth and the cosmos that indicate they are much younger than is generally asserted today.
by D. Russell Humphreys, Ph.D.
Here are fourteen natural phenomena which conflict with the evolutionary idea that the universe is billions of years old.
by John D. Morris, Ph.D.
The biggest problem for evolutionists is the origin of life from non-life. Even the simplest single-celled organism is unthinkably complex, with scores of highly-sophisticated parts, all performing important functions and all mutually interdependent.
by Stuart E. Nevins, M.S.
From where did the earth come? Did an ever-seeing Intelligence plan and direct the creation of our planet? Or, did the earth evolve by unguided chance processes without an overseeing plan? A person’s answers to the above questions will significantly affect his personal viewpoint regarding the origin, purpose, and destiny of both the earth and man.
by Michael Dimond
Published on August 31, 2015
Over the last few decades scientists from around the world have been making discoveries which clearly shows that an intelligent designer is responsible for the creation of the universe.
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