Category: Evolution/creation





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Creation Versus Evolution: Things They Never Told You

by Maria Kneas

The controversy between creationism and evolution is not a disagreement between science and religion. Rather, it is a dispute between advocates of opposing religions: scientists who believe the Bible versus scientists who believe in humanism.  As Roger Oakland says, what one believes about creation and evolution determines what they will believe about morality and a Savior.

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‘A Real Challenge’: Discovery of Enormous Galaxy Ring Contradicts Big Bang Model

by Garrett Haley
August 31, 2015

Astronomers have discovered what appears to be the largest feature in the observable universe, and—according to the Big Bang model—it shouldn’t even exist.  A team of Hungarian and U.S. astronomers say they have discovered a huge ring of nine gamma ray bursts (GRBs) that is five billion light years across. The scientists detailed their findings in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

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How Evolution Flunked The Science Test

by Joe Crews

What is this evolution doctrine that inspires so much faith in its disciples? How has it turned great scientists into dogmatic opponents of any other viewpoint? Many evolutionary scientists have united their professional influence to forbid any classroom instruction contrary to their own views. Does the theory of evolution merit this kind of fanatical support, which would silence all opposing ideas?

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Intelligent design: Can science answer the question, does God exist?

by Jim Springer

Is there evidence of God’s existence inherent in the universe, solar system, earth and the human body? Are there marks of intelligent design all around us? Let’s look at the incredible complexity and precision that exists and see if it demonstrates the work of blind chance (evolution) or intelligent design.

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Science Increasingly Makes the Case for God

by Eric Metaxas
December 25, 2014

In 1966 Time magazine ran a cover story asking: Is God Dead? Many have accepted the cultural narrative that he’s obsolete—that as science progresses, there is less need for a “God” to explain the universe. Yet it turns out that the rumors of God’s death were premature. More amazing is that the relatively recent case for his existence comes from a surprising place—science itself.

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Quotes from scientists regarding design of the universe

by Rich Deem

Does science lead us down a road that ends in the naturalistic explanation of everything we see? In the nineteenth century, it certainly looked as though science was going in that direction.  However, 20th century and now 21st century science is leading us back down the road of design – not from a lack of scientific explanation, but from scientific explanation that requires an appeal to the extremely unlikely – something that science does not deal well with.

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Microevolution vs. Macroevolution

by Jim Springer

What is the difference between micro- and macroevolution? Can the same processes that produce small changes within a species produce entirely new species?

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Beauty – The Undeniable Witness

by Prof. Stuart Burgess
December 21, 2014

When we share evidences for creation, we can get so caught up in obscure details that we miss the obvious. God made his handiwork so clear that even a child can see it (Romans 1:18–20). The beauty of His work is inescapable—and an undeniable witness to His existence.

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The tiny code that’s toppling evolution

by Mario Seiglie
May 21, 2005

As scientists explore a new universe – the universe inside the cell – they are making startling discoveries of information systems more complex than anything ever devised by humanity’s best minds. How did they get there, and what does it mean for the theory of evolution?

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Mending Mistakes – The Amazing Ability of Repair

by Frank Sherwin, M.A.

If someone were to ask a creation scientist for evidence of creation, he may very well reply, “The DNA molecule.” Everyone has heard of this “molecule of life” found in virtually every cell in our body. DNA is organized into chromosomes (people have 46) upon which many thousands of genes (units of heredity, comprised of nucleotide bases called T, G, C, and A) are found.

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