by Wayne Jackson
The ‘New Age’ phenomenon of recent years has provided fresh impetus to the occult concept that the living, somehow, are able to communicate with those who have died.
by Matt Slick
Christian Science denies the essential doctrines of Christianity and it also completely reinterpreted the Bible.
by Got Questions
Among the main beliefs held by followers of New Thought is the assertion that ‘true human self-hood is divine’. Within this we see the original lie that Satan told man: through knowledge of good and evil ‘you will be like God’.
by Ryan Turner
Mormons frequently claim that many “plain and precious truths” have been removed from the Bible. What these “plain and precious truths” exactly are we are not told.
by Caryl Matrisciana
The aim of all Hinduism is to escape the hopeless cycle of reincarnation. The purpose of Yoga is to prepare a person to cut off the relationship between himself and the physical world, in preparation for death.
by Probe
Scientology claims that its belief system does not conflict with the beliefs of Christianity. However, upon investigation there is an impassible gulf between the two worldviews.
by Berean Research
The Jehovah’s Witnesses go door to door, distribute the Watchtower and Awake magazines, deny the Trinity, the deity of Christ, and deny His physical resurrection. Are they Christian or something else?
by Samaria Mission
The African Traditional Religion has no founder. It evolved through many centuries, before the westerner come to Africa. Different fathers played a role in the development of this religion. It is not documented. It has no sacred book or Scripture. It is written in the hearts, history and experience of the people. It is passed with the word of mouth.
by Nanci Des Gerlaise
July 19, 2016
Basically, shamanism is the belief system that utilizes shamans in order to make contact with the spirit world. Traditional shamanism “is where the shaman functions as healer, spiritual leader, and mediator between the spirits and people.” In Western society, Native Spirituality is the main venue, but it is not confined to Native Spirituality. The New Age movement began incorporating shamanistic rituals into their own New Age spirituality:
by Marlene Jones-Skurtu
What most people don’t understand is that false prophets may have been true prophets, full-blown cults may have been cult churches, and cult churches may have been normal churches at one time.
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