by The Religion of Peace
This is a list of targeted acts of terrorism on Christian civilians and church workers by religious Muslims since September 11th, 2001. These attacks have nothing to do with war, combat or insurgency. The victims are innocent Christians who were specifically targeted and abused solely on account of their faith by.
by Phyllis Chesler
I have published two academic studies and nearly 100 articles about honour killings, both in the West and in the Islamic world. An honour killing is a collaborative conspiracy carried out against one victim, usually a young girl, by her family. Her relatives believe that her ‘impure’ behaviour has shamed and dishonored them.
by Berean Call
March 17, 2020
Leaving Islam means death. That’s why it is so critical for the body of Christ, to step in and help the converts who came out of Islam through this difficult time of transition and time of loss.
by Walid Shoebat
Walid Shoebat was raised to be a Palestinian terrorist. He has been miraculously transformed by the God of Israel and is now an ardent Zionist. He is a much sought after speaker, warning the world about the threat of Islam and the importance of supporting Israel.
This is part of the list of killings in the name of Islam maintained by Most of these incidents are terror attacks. A handful are honor killings or Sharia executions.
by Nathan E. Jones
Islam is civil, it is cultural, it is military, and it encompasses every aspect of a Muslim’s life. Islam is way more than just a religion to them. Islamic Shar’ia Law embodies the lifestyle of its founding century – the seventh century.
by Andrew Ash
September 1, 2021
Advocates of multi-culturalism demand that we should be far more welcoming of some of the medieval customs, traditions, and religious laws it has taken much of the world centuries to get rid of.
by Name Withheld
November 20, 2014
The testimony of the Gospels provides the most reliable witness to Christ. Preach the Gospel as it is! Do not soft-pedal around biblical terminology to please Muslim hearers. Be clear about what you believe and why you believe it.
by Dr Eitan Bar – One for Israel
On one hand, we’ve all seen the wave of terror sweeping Israel and the world – hatred and murder done in the name of Mohammed or in the name of Allah of Islam. On the other hand, defenders of Islam quote verses from the Koran about reconciliation and peace from the Koran.
by Tony Pearce
December 2019
The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) pushes for laws on Islamophobia in the West which if applied will end our freedom to debate the truth of beliefs based on the Bible as opposed to those based on the Koran.
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