Category: Islam





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Evangelists say Muslims coming to Christ at historic rate

by Truth Unlocked

Christians ministering quietly in the Middle East say Muslims are coming to Christ at an unprecedented pace despite intense persecution of those who leave Islam.”Probably in the last 10 years, more Muslims have come to faith in Christ than in the last 15 centuries of Islam,” said Tom Doyle, Middle East-Central Asia director for e3 Partners, a Texas-based missions agency.

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There is No “Radical Islam” and There is Also No “Moderate Islam”

by Dr. Mordechai Kedar
November 15, 2015

Beginning more or less with 9/11, the expression “radical Islam” became the accepted way for the media, politicians and public to define the religious and ideological foundations of Islam-based violence when referring to what the world calls “terror.”  This expression was meant to be contrasted with “moderate Islam” which presents Muslims as ordinary people who wish to live in peace with all of mankind. The world created the image of two Islams, one radical and impossible to live with, and one moderate and “just like us.”

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M-Day: The Invasion of the West

by David Solway
November 1, 2015

As usual, the media are traitorously complicit.  The media completely ignores the huge financial and security impact that the refugees are placing on some of these countries. Many European nations are on the brink of bankruptcy and cannot afford to start paying out millions of Euros to support the refugees. Some of the countries have expressed concern about the security risks, stating that they suspect members of ISIS have been hiding among the refugees in order to spread their terrorism into other countries.”

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Europe: ‘Islam is coming to take over’

by Pamela Geller
November 1, 2015

Where are they [the migrants] going from Lesbos? Into northern Europe, particularly Germany. But then large numbers of them are vanishing. Earlier this week, I reported that refugee camps had begun to report that Muslims were disappearing – running off. Nobody knows where to. It has become an epidemic. Approximately 7,000 migrants have left the Brandenburg shelters. Where are they going? Who is sheltering these illegals, many with ties to ISIS?

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Islamic State’s position on Christians

by BBC News
27 February 2015
The recent abduction of dozens of Assyrian Christians and the mass beheading of Egyptian Copts at the hands of the Islamic State (IS) militant group raises questions about its stance on Christians, both in the Middle East and worldwide.

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Nicolai Sennels: Psychology: Why Islam creates monsters

by Nicolai Sennels
September 27, 2013

Psychopathic people and behaviour are found within all cultures and religions. But one tops them all — by many lengths. The daily mass killings, terror, persecutions and family executions committed by the followers of Islam are nauseating, and the ingenuity behind the attacks — always looking for new and more effective ways of killing and terrorising people — is astonishing.

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Nigeria’s Boko Haram abducted 2,000 women and girls – report

by Emma Farge and Alex Whiting
April 14, 2015

Boko Haram Islamic militants have kidnapped at least 2,000 girls and women since the start of last year, turning them into cooks, sex slaves and fighters, and sometimes killing those who refused to comply, Amnesty International said on Tuesday. The human rights group’s 90-page report based on dozens of interviews with witnesses and escaped abductees comes a year after the group seized more than 200 schoolgirls from Chibok, a community deep inside an area of northeastern Nigeria the fighters claimed as their calipha.

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