by David Harris
June 1, 2016
Politicians, diplomats, and journalists continue to grapple with the consequences of that war, but rarely consider, or perhaps are even aware of, context. Yet without context, some critically important things may not make sense.
by Abra Forman
May 26, 2016
The UN’s mild concerns over Hamas’s public executions of criminals come as somewhat of a joke after the international body rabidly and repeatedly accused Israel of “excessive use of force” terrorists committing violent attacks against Israelis over the course of the recent terror wave.
by Michael Houdmann
The Temple Mount is the holiest site in Judaism, the third holiest site in Islam, and a revered site to Christians.
by David Harris – AJC Global Jewish Advocacy
December 2015
The Middle East always seems to be in the news. Hardly a day passes without a story on something going on in Israel or related to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Unfortunately, given the rapid-fire nature of much reporting these days, the discussion often lacks context. This essay seeks to provide both historical and contemporary context.
by Pastor Larry DeBruyn
September 08, 2015
Who will invade Israel? His name is “Prince Gog,” and he is the ideological, demagogic and perennial antagonist against God and His chosen people. So in “latter days” he will instigate a full scale invasion of the Holy Land. Gog will assault “the land” from “the remote parts of the north”.
by Raoul Wootliff
November 9, 2015
Israel has long sought to block the sale to Iran of the S-300 system, which analysts say could impede a potential Israeli strike on Tehran’s nuclear facilities. Other officials have expressed concern that the systems could reach Syria and Hezbollah, diluting Israel’s regional air supremacy.
by Real Facts
Unlike South Africans who achieved a peaceful resolution to conflict through dialogue, negotiation, truth and reconciliation, the Political Head of Hamas, Khaled Mashel, emphatically insists: “Jihad and armed resistence are the true and correct way. There will be no concession on an inch of the land”.
by Real Facts
The Israeli West Bank barrier is a security fence that was built for one reason and one reason only – to protect Israeli civilians from the relentless Palestinian terrorist attacks that started to escalate dramatically in 2000. Below is a chart of the actual civilian fatalities in Israel since the security fence was built. In 2002, the year before construction started, thousands of Israelis were injured and hundreds were killed due to the dozens of suicide bombings around the country. In 2009, for the first year in many, there were no suicide bombings.
by Chaim Rabinowitz
October 24, 2015
Dear World,
Sorry to disturb you in the middle of your very important sports events and celebrity reality shows, but please take a moment to answer a few questions regarding your blatantly anti-Semitic and double standard approach to Israel. Please explain to me how any person in 2015 can condemn Israel, the only free democratic state in a region of close to two dozen Muslim countries, who hang gay people from cranes and sell eight year old girls as brides to middle-aged men, all the while screaming ‘Death to America’ and ‘Itbah AL-Yahud!’ (Slaughter the Jews)!
by Ari Yashar
October 19, 2015
Hamas issues new orders for an escalation in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem, while Fatah says it can ‘blow up buses in Tel Aviv.’ The terror group has praised the current wave of attacks that have mostly consisted of stabbings, but the new orders on the ground could see a return of the explosive attacks that were common during the 2000 terror war known as the Second Intifada.
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