by One for Israel
One of many examples: Ellis Goldstien tragically lost his entire family, but found eternal hope.
by Dr Albert Mohler
I believe Jewish evangelism is the clearest test case for faithfulness to the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in this generation.
by Matt Slick
The Bible is the foundation for witnessing and you must memorize verses to be able to use it – this applies to your devotional life as well as witnessing.
by Danny Gold
December 2018
Somewhere along the line, gang leaders decided that if a member found God, he would be permitted to leave. Gang members and church officials will both tell you that the church is one of the few things the gang respects.
by Calvin Smith
November 3. 2015
Evolution is a shield which many hide behind to protect themselves from the idea of a Creator God which they would then have to be accountable to.
Produced by Wietske Burema
July, 26 2019
A church deep in La Dina, San Salvador is holding a service with a difference: many of the men here used to be in a gang.
by Chosen People
Without the Jewish people, we would not have the Bible or the Messiah Himself! This is quite fundamental, but there are many clear passages in Scripture that support the case for the importance of Jewish evangelism.
by Jim Feeney, Ph.D.
Jesus’ Great Commission to the Church is often interpreted as just, “Go out and be witnesses for Christ.” Yes, it does say that and much more. There is a place for every Christian in the multi-faceted Great Commission in our day.
by Walter Martin
There are both do’s and don’ts when it comes to witnessing to cultists. Following are a few that I’ve learned over the years.
by Johan Badenhorst
The Afrikaans version of Plea for Africa by the cantando@bloem choir from Bloemfontein South Africa. Bouwer van Rooyen wrote the Afrikaans words in 1999.
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