January 1, 2016
The word of God tells us to, boldly and humbly, and without fear or shame, proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ, for it alone is the power of God unto salvation.
July 17, 2018
I was never planning on writing about my street evangelism for fear of coming across as boastful, but both my pastor and wife thought that I should share about my recent two day excursion to and through the Florida keys.
by One for Israel Ministry
May 28, 2018
A Jewish scientist’s testimony that Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ) is the Messiah of Israel.
by Grant Phillips
February 25, 2017
Why is it that so many Christians do not share the Gospel with others?
by Anonymous
This tract may be used to share the Gospel with those who have not yet come to salvation throught faith in Jesus Christ. It also explains how our lives should change in order to live lives that would be pleasing to God.
by One for Israel (Messianic Jews In Israel)
Following these guidelines will help you to effectively proclaim the gospel to a Jewish person with sensitivity and tact.
by John Lawson
IF A WICKED MAN tells the story of John Lawson, a former violent criminal, enforcer for gangsters, bodyguard, biker gang member and manager in the sex industry. John reluctantly attended a Bible study while serving a five-year prison sentence for extortion. It was there that he first experienced a dramatic life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ.
by John Lawson
IF A WICKED MAN tells the story of John Lawson, a former violent criminal, enforcer for gangsters, bodyguard, biker gang member and manager in the sex industry. John reluctantly attended a Bible study. John reluctantly attended a Bible study class while serving a five-year prison sentence for extortion. It was there that he first experienced a dramatic life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ.
by Ruth
Please note that we have a number of foreign language categories on our website. Should you know anybody who speaks one of these languages please feel free to refer him or her to the relevant category. Doing so is a very effective way to share the Gospel as well as other biblical truths.
by Africa Inland Mission
Africa Inland Mission is an evangelical Christian mission agency serving in over 20 African nations. Our passion is to see Christ-centered churches established and thriving among all of Africa’s peoples
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