by Johan Malan, University of the North, South Africa
The movement endeavours to raise the consciousness level of humanity, to unlock mystical powers in people, to unite the world religiously, politically, economically, and socially, and to pave the way for the appearance of a single world leader.
by Got Questions
According to the New Age movement all is God. It is pantheism – trees, snails, books, and people are all of one divine essence. A personal God who has revealed Himself in the Bible and in Jesus Christ is completely rejected. Since God is impersonal, the New Ager doesn’t have to serve Him. God is an ‘it,’ not a ‘He.’
by Prof. J.S. Malan, University of the North, South Africa
Early in the 1980’s the New Age Movement emerged from its secluded circles and vigorously started propagating its ideology in the world. It is closely associated with the concept of a new world order, and forms part of it.
by Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr.
Should Christians practice meditation? An increasing number of Christians are trying or using Eastern meditation techniques in an effort to direct their spiritual lives.
by Life Stream Magazine
A mandala is used in tantric Buddhism as an aid to meditation. They meditate on the image until they are saturated by it. They believe that you can merge with the deity by meditating on the mandala.
by Marcia Montenegro
October 19, 2017
Reincarnation is: Generally speaking, the belief that one lives many lives, returning after death to life in another body, time, and place. This belief is an essential part of Hinduism.
by Truth Behind Yoga
Two antithetical definitions of meditation are being increasingly confused as the same term in today’s society. It is important this confusion be cleared, as one leads to a path of Biblical understanding, and the other leads to pagan spiritualism.
by Ray Yungen
The forces behind energy healing are really pushing the ‘man-is-God’ view and any physical benefits are just the bait.
by Warren B. Smith
November 12, 2015
Sarah Young said she was inspired to receive “messages” from “Jesus” after reading the book God Calling. Unfortunately, Sarah Young and her Thomas Nelson editors missed the fact that God Calling is a channeled New Age book.
by Cedric Fisher and Nanci Des Gerlaise
December 18, 2017
There are countless examples in pagan, wiccan, and New Age literature that refer to circles. If drawing prayer circles is such a wonderful God-inspired idea, how is it that Satanists and those in the occult consider circles a major part of their belief system? Could it be that the church is merely imitating an occultic practice?
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