by Jeremiah Project
No longer are we only threatened from without by a group of balding hard-line Communists – we are now threatened from within – by a group of intelligent, well-dressed globalists who are convincing America and the nations of the world that the only way to lasting world peace is the establishment of a … “New World Order.”
by The American Truth
The following is a four page list of quotes by famous individuals that reflect their knowledge of Government, Banking, Military, and Media control – or otherwise known as the “New World Order.”
by A-Omega
May 02, 2012
All your cell phone communication are recorded. Your television not only recognizes you by scanning your facial structure, it can transmit images of your every action in the kitchen to a remote server. Your coffee maker records all of your kitchen conversation for storage in an off-site database. If this sounds like the vision of a future tyrannical society from a sci-fi movie, it’s not.
by Prof Johan Malan
In the aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attacks, the world has entered a period of rapid global transformation towards a new world order in which religion will play a major role. A united, new world order not only demands the political and economic unification of the world but also its religious unification. In the emerging international order the former antagonists, Russia and the USA, are increasingly united in the fight against the global threat of terrorism.
by Heidi Swander
August 10, 2010
“On April 2, 2009, the work of July 4, 1776 was nullified at the meeting of the G-20 in London.” So begins an article written by author and commentator Dick Morris on April 7, 2009, titled, “European Socialism to Run Our Financial System.” According to Morris, a communiqué from the meeting “essentially announces a global economic union with uniform regulations and by-laws for all nations, including the United States.” Please note: This took place last year.
by Victor Christensen
The Bible teaches that in the final moments of earth’s history the entire planet will be under the control of a one world government. Ultimately an autocratic world ruler code named “the beast” will dominate world affairs. Through his agencies he will determine who is to live and who is to die. This despot will not bring peace. He will be the agent of chaos, destruction and despair.
by Berit Kjos
“…absolute behavior control is imminent…. The critical point of behavior control, in effect, is sneaking up on mankind without his self-conscious realization that a crisis is at hand. Man will… never self-consciously know that it has happened.”
by Loren Davis
The dream for a world government is found throughout world history. Follow the progression up to today.
by Prof. Johan Malan
In preparation for the UN Millennial Summit, the organisation’s Secretary-general, Kofi Annan, said that the concept of national sovereignty would have to be redefined or abandoned as it stands in the way of greater unity in the world. He also promised that steps would be taken in 2000 to promote a world religion: “The UN will expand its role as peace-maker to the religious field by staging the first meeting for the world’s religious leaders,” he said. This new approach gave rise to the United Religions Initiative, aimed at developing into the United Religions Organisation.
by Donna Wasson
How does one go about trying to explain the fantastic? How do you tell others that much of their basic understanding of their country and the world around them is based on lies? How do you explain that the movie, The Matrix, really wasn’t that far off the mark with regard to our world system?
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