By Raymond Ibrahim
May 07, 2013
A mass exodus of Christians is currently underway. Millions of Christians are being displaced from one end of the Islamic world to the other. We are reliving the true history of how the Islamic world, much of which prior to the Islamic conquests was almost entirely Christian, came into being.
By Paul Proctor
It’s time to prepare for hard times, my friends. And, if you’re a bible-believing, Christ-following Christian, I believe the coming years will be particularly troublesome. The enemies of Christ have clearly risen to great power in this country and are, even as I write, busy endeavoring to finish off what remains of the church for the purpose of replacing it with a god and religion more suitable for global government.
Raymond Ibrahim
June 3, 2013
“It is part of a ‘war of attrition’ on the Copts in their own homeland.” — Adel Guindy, President, Coptic Solidarity
George Thomas CBN News
“Your life is marked with risk the moment you decide to accept Jesus Christ as savior,” he said. “That’s the price you pay for being a member of the underground Church.” “My entire family, including my children and parents, were always evangelizing,” Mr. Bae said. “Of course, we did this in secret and we had to be careful. But the authorities became suspicious.”
by Paul McGuire
My spiritual mentor, Dr. Francis Schaeffer, who has been called the greatest Evangelical theologian of the last 100 years, warned that as the anarchy increased in our world due to moral relativism, that totalitarianism would rise to control the chaos. Schaeffer issued that warning over 30 years ago and said we had a brief window in which to preserve our religious freedoms. Dr. Schaeffer believed that the greatest contributing factor to the rise of totalitarianism was the fact that the Evangelical Church was accommodating to a growing humanist culture and not standing for Biblical truth.
by Bryan Galloway
While Bonhoeffer often agonized over the role the church should play as Adolf Hitler’s polices were enacted, he continued to focus his energy on pleasing his Lord and obeying the Word of God. From the moment Hitler became chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933, Bonhoeffer suffered setbacks and opposition for his commitment to Jesus and for his stance that the church should be a voice for the innocent in society.
by Berit Kjos
What does the word “freedom” mean in the context of today’s corrupt culture? Amoral license? Liberty to follow feelings rather than facts? A ban on Christian expressions of faith? Mandatory “tolerance” for homosexual lifestyles?
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