Category: Pornography





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What’s wrong with pornography

by Ross S. Olson MD

Why do some people get so hot and bothered about sexy pictures? Is it because they are repressed or something? Why not just let everybody look at what they like? It doesn’t hurt anybody, does it?

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Pornography: Biblical Insights

by The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission
August 4, 2009

The existence of pornography is an evidence of a spiritual battle that is going on in our world. Pornographic material is specifically designed to appeal to human lust. The onslaught of this kind of material is a result of the spiritual warfare waged against the human family.

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The Spread of Pornography

by Errol Naidoo

The rapid and unrestrained spread of pornography within society must rank as the most insidious threat against marriage and the family since the sexual revolution of the Sixties. The relative ease with which one can access hard-core sexually explicit images is unprecedented in South Africa’s history.

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