by A.V. Rauf
The rebirth of the nation of Israel and the quest to establish Jerusalem as its capital has always been at the center of conflict between the Jews and the Arab-Islamic world. In all land negotiations that have been attempted notice that it was not the West Bank or Gaza or even the Golan Heights that have been the central point of contention. The issue has always been and ultimately will be the final status of Jerusalem. Of much importance is also the issue of the Temple Mount as well.
by Dr. David R. Reagan
Just three days after the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, D.C., reported on its website that three of the top ten best-selling books concerned the prophesies of Nostradamus, a 16th Century seer whom many claim prophesied modern events. Within a week after 9/11, the Internet began to buzz with email messages about the attacks being the fulfillment of a prophecy by Nostradamus.
by Britt Gillette
When the disciples asked Jesus to describe the signs of His coming and the end of the age, He pointed to many signs. But one of the most often overlooked is the idea that when He returns, the world will be “like it was in the days of Noah.”
by Google
It is believed that Petra, the rock fortress, is where God will protect Israel during the second half of the Tribulation.
by Thomas Ice
Putting the pieces of the puzzle together, it appears that the Jewish Remnant can flee Jerusalem without concern for provisions, since God will nurture and care for them as He did the Exodus generation through miraculous means. Very likely the Lord will provide food (perhaps manna), water, and clothing for His Remnant that will be on the run and in hiding so as to escape the persecution of the dragon during the final half of the tribulation.
by Prof. Johan Malan
During the coming tribulation period the Jewish temple will be built here and sacrifices reinstituted. In the middle of this week the false messiah (the Antichrist) will declare himself to be God in the rebuilt temple and persecute all Jews who refuse to accept and worship him as God. At the end of the year-week the Antichrist will besiege Jerusalem and the entire land of Israel. He will know that the true King of the Jews, Jesus the Messiah, will return to destroy His enemies, save the remnant in Israel and restore the throne of David in Jerusalem.
by Lighthouse Trails Editors
December 22, 2012
Many people feared that the world would come to an end on December 21, 2012 because of Mayan calendar “prophecies.” Many New Agers believed that the 21st would be significant in seeing a global wide spiritual epiphany. In the midst of all this, there is the issue of the return of Jesus Christ. What do New Spirituality ” leaders have to say about the end-times and the return of Jesus Christ versus what does the Bible have to say? There is a vast difference in the two.
by Pete Garcia
December 29, 2014
Many Christians have told me that the study of prophecy is irrelevant to the here and now. I would counter, by quoting the famed comedian George Burns, “I look to the future, because that is where I’m going to spend the rest of my life”. While the days darken, and our world seemingly becomes more unhinged each day, we know according to Scripture, that God has a grand plan for us, and a future beyond compare. I hope this helps you in your journey.
by Truthnet
In many ways, the current conflict between Israel and the Muslim nations, is a continuation of a conflict which began 4000 years ago – two families competing for the blessing of Abraham. Isaac was the “son of promise” and the “son of faith”, while Hagar’s son Ishmael was the “son of unbelief” and the “son of human effort”. This conflict between these two descendents of Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael, ultimately will be demonstrated in a building central to Judaism and important to Islam. “This building, known the world over as the “Dome of the Rock”, or in Jewish circles, the “Temple Mount”, will become the center focus in the end-times.
While we cannot name the exact date of the Lord’s Return its nearness may be known by the character of the Times. As to this the New Testament gives no uncertain sound. What is here meant is “prophetic knowledge” of the things recorded in the Book of Daniel and other prophetic writings of the Scriptures. This is made clear by the statement that only the “wise” shall understand. That is, those who are enlightened by the Holy Spirit, and not those who merely have intellectual knowledge, for the wicked shall not understand.
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