Category: Psychiatry – Psychology





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Is there any power in positive thinking?

by Michael Houdmann

The idea of the power of positive thinking was popularized by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale in his book The Power of Positive Thinking (1952). According to Peale, people can change future outcomes and events by “thinking” them into existence.

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How does psychology work with biblical counseling?

by Michael Houdmann

Secular psychology is based on the teachings of psychoanalysts such as Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Carl Rogers. Biblical, or nouthetic, counseling, on the other hand, is based squarely on the revealed Word of God.

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Hypnosis – Christian or occult?

by Rapidnet

Hypnosis is nothing new. It has been used for thousands of years by witchdoctors, spirit mediums, shamans, Hindus, Buddhists, and yogis. But the increasing popularity of hypnosis for healing in the secular world has influenced many in the professing church to accept hypnosis as a means of treatment.

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Dangerous meditations

by Douglas Groothuis
November 1, 2004

Differences in various forms of Eastern meditation aside, they all aim at a supposedly “higher” or “altered” state of consciousness. Meditation guides claim that normal consciousness obscures sacred realities.The goal is to find God within their own beings, since God (Brahman) and the self (Atman) are really one.

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Mindfulness: no-mind over matter

by Marcia Montenegro

The techniques of mindfulness meditation lead one to enter an altered state, the same state one is in when under hypnosis. In this state, the meditator’s critical thinking and judgment are suspended, and anything can enter the mind.

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Christianity versus Psychology

by Debbie O’Hara
January 14, 2004

With the decline of true religion came the rise in psychology. Since its birth in the 1850’s, Americans can’t seem to get enough therapy.

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Why you don’t need more self-esteem


One of the most popular ideas to emerge in Christian circles in recent years is that we all need to build and maintain proper self-esteem. Dozens of best-selling Christian books are laced with this theme. It is frequently mentioned in sermons and on Christian radio shows. It is a fundamental assumption underlying most Christian counseling.

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A look at depression through the lens of Scripture

by Southern View Chapel
December 1997

The man sitting before me would not respond to my questions. He sat, motionless, staring at the floor. That he had been under a great deal of stress was a fact known to all who loved him, but that he was this close to the “edge” surprised us all. Soon he would find himself on the psych ward of a local hospital, medicated and undergoing both individual and group counseling.

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Visualization (Part One) (2)

by John Weldon and John Ankerberg

Visualization attempts to program the mind to discover inner power and guidance. It is often used as a means to, or in conjuction with, altered states of consciousness and is frequently used to develop psychic abililties or make contact with spirits.

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