Category: Roman Catholicism





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Roman Catholicism, Mary, and Idolatry

by Matt Slick

Roman Catholics have an extremely high view of Mary and have attributed some astounding characteristics and abilities to her, such as her interceding for us, atoning for us, and delivering our souls from damnation. Protestants consider this elevation to be not only extreme, but idolatrous since they attribute to Mary what should only be said of God.

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The Bloody History of Papal Rome – A Timeline

by Darryl Eberhart and Amazing Discoveries™

The Papacy has a long history of “wearing out” the saints of the Most High. Below is a timeline of the generally aggressive history of the Roman Catholic Church, but the most tragic one that concerns the Word of God is the persecution during the Middle Ages of anyone daring to oppose the Church.

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All Roads Lead to Babylon

by Ralph Woodrow

There are only two religions – the Truth of the Almighty, as expressed in the Bible and  every other belief.  These two religions cannot be mixed, without disastrous results.

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