Category: Salvation





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Jesus paid our sin debt

by Ron and Nathele Graham
February 5, 2015

There is a debt, though, that is owed by all humans and we are unable to pay. That debt is the debt of sin that Adam brought upon all of mankind. Sin has separated us from God and the only way to ever be able to stand in His presence is to be perfect. That perfection is by God’s standards and is impossible for humans to attain. Adam and Eve tried to cover their sin by their own efforts using fig leaves, but God demonstrated what He required when He shed the blood of an animal to make coats of skins to cover their sin.

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A much neglected subject

by Prof Johan Malan
January 07, 2015

In the New Testament doctrine on salvation there is a mutual relationship between the concepts of “faith in Christ” and “repentance.” If we truly believe in Christ, repenting from our evil and selfish ways is inevitable. If we fail to recognize the close association between these two aspects of our salvation, giving due recognition to each of them, we are at risk of undermining and distorting the foundations of our spiritual life.

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How to be born again

by Billy Graham
September 20, 2010

You may go to church, but perhaps you are still searching. There is an empty place in your heart, and something inside tells you that you’re not really right with God.

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Won’t a Good, Moral Life get Me to Heaven?

by Christian Medical Fellowship

In a recent television interview Peter Ustinov, the famous actor, was asked for his ‘doctrine of man’. He gave the reply ‘Man is essentially good!’ and was rewarded with sustained applause from the audience. Even among those who believe in the reality of heaven and hell, the popular conception is that the latter is reserved only for arch villains like Stalin, Hitler or Genghis Khan – perhaps along with a handful of gang rapists and serial killers.

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Salvation is God’s work

by Matt Slick

When someone appeals to God and seeks forgiveness in Jesus, his sins are removed, he is cleansed, his relationship with God is restored, and he is made a new creature. All of this is the work of God, not man.

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What it means to be a Christian

by Berit Kjos

We believe in the One almighty God, who has revealed Himself through His Word as Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6-7

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