by Alex Newman
May 4, 2023
Speaking of how the drugs work, Dr. Breggin, who served as an expert in multiple high-profile cases involving antidepressants, said they “cause multiple biochemical imbalances where there were none before.”
by Charles Stimson
Clinical studies reveal that long-term, moderate consumption of the drug impairs short-term memory, slows reaction time, increases the risk of heart attack, and can result in birth defects, strokes, and damage to the respiratory system and brain.
by Focus on the Family
Willful, repeated sinful behavior can cement such fundamentally flawed logic — what the Bible calls a hardening of our hearts or being given over to “a depraved mind”. It’s not that God wouldn’t take us back. Instead, we have no desire to return.
by Dr. Ab Abercrombie
April 6, 2016
Addiction is indulgence of the flesh and the temporal pleasures that come with the element of attraction. In its origin, it is the placement of something or someone above God.
by drugwatch
The Big Pharma industry has a history of fraud, bribery, lawsuits and scandals. Despite criminal charges and fines, Big Pharma companies continue to do business.
by Gospel Way
Drug abuse has become a major problem in our society. What does the Bible teach about mind-altering drugs, intoxication, and addiction? Is drug use moral or immoral?
by Al-Anon
Al-Anon Family Groups is for the families and friends of problem drinkers, with a special section – Alateen – for children of alchoholics, and a group for adult children of alcoholics.
by Al-Anon
Al-Anon Family Groups is for the families and friends of problem drinkers, with a special section – Alateen – for children of alchoholics, and a group for adult children of alcoholics.
by WEebMD – Michael LoRe
December 12, 2020
It is important to be honest with your child about what is going on, but also important to filter information based on the child’s age – what you tell a 7-year-old may be much different than what you tell a 15-year-old.
by WebMD – Jennifer Mitchell
Two million Americans have an opioid use disorder. If you take opioids, you may wonder if you’re one of them.
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