by Eric Lyons, M.Min.
In his February 12, 2009 debate with Kyle Butt, Dan Barker alleged that he “knows” the God of the Bible cannot exist because “there are mutually incompatible properties/characteristics of the God that’s in this book.[the Bible]
by Mark Pickering and Peter Saunders
There are essentially four different areas where people may charge the Bible with error: errors of fact, -verbal transmission, -written transmission and contradictions. We have looked briefly at the four main areas in which the Bible is often charged with error, showing that the charges are unfounded.
by Don Stewart
The unbelieving Jews and the Romans tried without success to stop Christianity from growing. In all these efforts, however, we never find them denying Jesus’ existence. They attempted to make Him out as a deceiver and blasphemer, and by doing so, admitted that He existed.
by Y-Jesus
Does a “secret Bible” discovered in a Turkish smuggling sting contain the real truth about the identity of Jesus Christ? According to a Turkish official, a 1,500-year-old ancient leather-bound text, secretly hidden for 12 years, could be an authentic version of the Gospel of Barnabas.
by Living Waters
February 10, 2017
‘Ten of the top scientific facts in the Bible’ is a half-hour of awe-inspiring and faith-building video, filled with ancient biblical tlruths – the earth’s free float in space, the dinosaur and why it disappeared, laws of quarantine, the earth being round, and much more.
by Jews for Jesus
January 15, 2015
Jews for Jesus has curated approximately 40 of the most helpful messianic prophecies along with their New Testament fulfillments.
by Dr. Ivan Panin, Harvard Scholar and Mathematician
One of the most remarkable occurrences in our time is God’s preparation of one individual to produce positive evidence that would completely undermine all Biblical criticism and bring atheism toppling to the ground wherever honest, thinking men will face the facts.
by Eternal Productions
This booklet presents 101 scientific facts found in the Scriptures. Many of these facts were penned centuries before they were discovered. Scientific foreknowledge found only in the Bible offers one more piece to the collective proof that the Bible is truly the inspired Word of the Creator.
by Faith Facts
Fulfilled prophecy is powerful evidence that the Bible is divine rather than human in origin.
by Logic & Light
The New Testament is a diverse collection of 27 books, mostly written during the first century A.D. by a range of authors. Given the awesome span of time between their original writing and today, it’s no surprise that we no longer have the original texts. The books come down to us today thanks to the work of monks and scribes who, over the centuries, copied and recopied the scrolls.
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