Category: Bible





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Newsweek attacks belief in Scripture

by Lita Cosner
8 January 2015

A prestigious publication like Newsweek is read by millions every week, so one would think they would exercise due diligence in making sure that their articles were factually accurate, and at least retain some semblance of journalistic impartiality. All such standards were clearly not taken seriously in the recent front-page story by Kurt Eichenwald titled “The Bible: So Misunderstood It’s a Sin”.1 Eichenwald shows no integrity as a reporter, and if he had done research even on something as basic as Wikipedia, many of his errors would be corrected. But fault also lies with his editors and everyone who had a hand in publishing this embarrassingly bad screed.

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The Worldwide Flood

by David Cloud
June 29, 2011

The vast majority of professing Christians today, even most evangelicals, do not believe that the Flood was global. This is because of end-times apostasy and the fearful accommodation to modern evolutionary theories. For the following reasons we are certain that the Flood was global.

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The Bible critics were wrong

by Way Of Life Literature
February 17, 2015

Bible critics have been proven wrong a thousand times, and in most cases this hasn’t humbled them or changed their opinion toward Scripture. Christian apologetics is a spiritual battle rather than an intellectual one. Following are a few of the glaring errors that have been made by critics who have tried to disprove the Bible.

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Presbyterian Church And Arab Palestinian Group Rewriting The Bible To Remove References To Israel

by Geri Ungurean

Have you heard that there is a new version of our Bible? But this version is unlike any prior version of God’s Word. This new version blatantly changes God’s Word. Any mention of Israel – gone. Any mention of Jesus being a Jew – gone. The movement which has brought the world a NEW bible, is called Palestinian Liberation Theology. At  its heart is hatred for the Jewish people and for Israel.

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Why Should We Believe in the Inerrancy of Scripture?

by Brian H. Edwards
July 5, 2011

Many people deny that Scripture teaches its own inerrancy, but Brian Edwards shows that, based on Scripture, Christians should absolutely hold to biblical inerrancy. The human writers of the Bible certainly used their minds, but the Holy Spirit carried them along in their thinking so that only His God-breathed words were recorded.

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Inerrancy and the Uniqueness of the Bible

by Wayne Spencer

In these articles I will address evidence for the reliability of the Bible as a set of documents.  We can trust the Bible.  But we do need reasons to trust it, so that when we face life’s challenges, we can see past what we feel and have confidence in what the Bible tells us.  Before dealing with how the Old and New Testaments are reliable, we must clarify the issue of inerrancy.  At least, this is my own view of inerrancy.

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Did Miracles Really Happen?

by Paul S. Taylor
June 7, 2011

What exactly constitutes a miracle, and did they really occur as recorded in the Bible? Essentially, a miracle is an unusual manifestation of God’s power designed to accomplish a specific purpose. The consistent Christian recognizes that God’s power is constantly displayed in the clockwork operation of the universe. The Bible teaches us that it is Christ’s power that holds everything together (Hebrews 1:3). Yet, we would not call that power a miracle because it is the normal way God upholds the universe. A miracle must be unusual if it is to be called a miracle.

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Did Moses Write Genesis?

by Bodie Hodge and Dr. Terry Mortenson
June 28, 2011

In the past few hundred years, the Bible has been under severe attack by scientific and philosophical skeptics of all sorts. In this scientific age the most-attacked book of the Bible has arguably been Genesis, particularly the first eleven chapters. Long-age geology, big bang cosmology, secular archaeology, liberal theology, and philosophical attacks on miracles in the Bible have deceived many people to believe that the Bible is not true and therefore cannot be trusted.  

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Is the Old Testament Reliable?

by Brian H. Edwards
March 8, 2011

Must we have blind, unreasonable faith to believe the Bible to be true? Or are there sound reasons that the Bible, and specifically the Old Testament, can be accepted as reliable in every part?

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How should we interpret the Bible, Part 1: Principles for understanding God’s Word

by Tim Chaffey
February 22, 2011

God is capable of accurately relaying His Word to us in a way that we can understand. It is crucial that we interpret properly to determine the intended meaning rather than forcing ideas into the text. In a culture where God’s Word is constantly under attack from those both inside and outside of the church, we must always be ready to give a defense for the hope that is in us. This web series on Apologetics is designed to give you the tools required to defend the faith.

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