by Tim Chaffey
March 1, 2011
In the previous chapter, the term “hermeneutics” was defined, and it was shown why it is so important to accurately interpret the Word of God. The best method of interpretation is known as the historical-grammatical approach. Not only did the people in the New Testament utilize this method when interpreting the Old Testament, but also it is the only system that provides a series of checks and balances to keep us on track as we interpret.
by S. Michael Houdmann
Got Questions Ministries
The cover story in the he January 2-9, 2015 edition of Newsweek is “The Bible: So Misunderstood It’s a Sin”, written by Kurt Eichenwald. To summarize, Eichenwald hates what the Bible says about homosexuality (and a few other issues), and therefore wrote the article to attack the trustworthiness of the Bible, with the goal of weakening people’s faith in its message.
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by Dr. Norman Geisler
The best way to evaluate the credibility of the Gospel of Thomas is by way of comparison to the New Testament Gospels, which often the same critics have grave doubts about. When this comparison is made, the Gospel of Thomas comes up seriously short.
by Larry Miles
Why do we teach the Word of God? We are instructed to be good Bible students. We are to study God’s Word to learn His will for us and to learn how we can apply it to our daily walk for the Lord Jesus. We must know what we believe and why and if we put the proper emphasis on the Bible we will not be led astray by false teachers.
by Charlie H. Campbell
The Bible is unarguably an incredible book. It is the best-selling, most quoted, most published, most circulated, most translated, most influential book in the history of mankind. [1] There is no close second. How can we know that the Bible isn’t just an ancient book of fiction, folklore, or cleverly devised tales invented by deceitful men?
by McMahon, T.A.
Feb 1 2007
Apostasy is rampant within the evangelical church today.
by Albert Mohler
While America’s evangelical Christians are rightly concerned about the secular worldview’s rejection of biblical Christianity, we ought to give some urgent attention to a problem much closer to home–biblical illiteracy in the church. This scandalous problem is our own, and it’s up to us to fix it.
by Blue Letter Bible
One of the terms used in describing the books that belong in Scripture is the word canon. A canonical book is one that measures up to the standard of Holy Scripture. Thus, the canon of Scripture refers to the books that are considered the authoritative Word of God.
by Patrick Zukeran
Dr. Zukeran examines some of the compelling evidence for the relibility and the authority of the Bible. The uniqueness and astounding accuracy of this ancient text is an important apologetic for Christianity.
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