by Jews for Jesus
February 8, 2018
For one who has already made up his or her mind that Jesus is not the Messiah, no amount of evidence will be convincing. But for those who are honest in asking, the evidence speaks for itself.
Messiah will be a descendant of King David. His Kingdom will be everlasting and characterized by righteousness, justice and peace. He will be a man and yet will be given titles that could only apply to God.
by All About God
Jesus came to reveal the God of the Bible. And God has revealed Himself in His book. Any deviation from that insight from Him is a made-up god.
by Compelling Truth
The Holy Spirit is the person of God who lives with us in our time on earth and teaches us to truly know and follow God.
by Dr. David R. Reagan
Most people, both Christian and non-Christian, tend to view God as being a sort of Cosmic Teddy Bear. They see Him as big and warm and soft, full of infinite love and forgiveness. He couldn’t hurt a fly, and He certainly wouldn’t be so cruel as to condemn or harm any beings created in His own image.
by Simon Turpin
August 8, 2017
Today, just as in Jesus’ day, when Christians ask people the question “who do you say Jesus is?” there are various answers given concerning his identity. But what does the New Testament tell us about who Jesus is?
by Dr. John Walvoord
The Bible does not debate the question of whether or not God exists. The first and primary evidence for the existence of God is the existence of the creation.
by Dr. Ron Rhodes
september 1, 2012
As one reads through the Bible, we find progressively detailed prophecies about the identity of the Messiah. Obviously, as the prophecies become increasingly detailed, the field of qualified “candidates” becomes increasingly narrow.
Uploaded by Tiara Forest
January 16, 2014
To God Be The Glory, performed by the Royal Albert Hall audience and stage choirs in 2012.
by Clarifying Christianity
The Old Testament books in the Bible (all of them written between 1450 BC and 430 BC) contained hundreds of prophecies about an “anointed one” who would arrive in their future.
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