by Ben Stegner
December 27, 2021
If you’re a heavy social media user, it’s wise to think about the negative impacts of social media on you and your peers.
by Olivia Cavallaro
April 12, 2021
The Napa Legal Institute revealed the full extent of how Big Tech censors Christians and other religious organizations, highlighting the hostile attitude of Silicon Valley leaders on faith-based organizations.
by Alan M. Dershowitz
May 27, 2021
The current social media have the worst of both worlds: they censor material that is neither dangerous nor necessarily false; and then permit material which is both highly dangerous and demonstrably false.
by Steven W. Mosher
June 8, 2021
For suggesting that the China Virus came from a Wuhan lab, the censors of Silicon Valley tried to silence me.
Freedom of expression covers freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and gives individuals and communities the right to articulate their opinions without fear of retaliation, censorship or punishment.
by Shannon Ebrahim
August 25, 2019
We may have plenty of challenges as a country, but what few of us fully appreciate is the pivotal role our media plays, and just how free and robust the South African media is when compared to other countries.
by David Fiorazo
July 23, 2019
With mounting evidence, Facebook, Google, and YouTube seem to be doing to the Internet what the radical, socialist Left has done to American universities: giving lip service to the idea of free speech.
by Jacob Mchangama
February 28, 2019
The U.N. should and must fight racism and hate speech. But any attempt at widening the definition and strengthening the enforcement of hate speech bans under international law creates a clear and present danger for freedom of expression already under global attack.
by Rachel Alexander
March 27, 2019
Political correctness regarding free speech has gone too far. At first it took the form of just criticism. Now, it’s becoming a crime in civilized countries to say politically incorrect things.
by Judy Philander
August 17, 2019
Some news articles are easier to spot as fake news than others. Here are some tips to help you distinguish fact from fiction.
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