Category: Occult





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Are horoscopes, tarot cards, and astrology apps satanic?

by Dr. James Emery White
March 2, 2020

“There’s an app for that” is true for almost everything, including reading your horoscope. In fact, horoscope apps are seeing a rise in new users. One reason is that they are so easy to use. As an article in the Wall Street Journal explained, “You enter your birth date, time and location and the app calculates your specific birth chart, shedding light on your passions and predilections.”

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Ghosts: are they real?

by Bible Info

We do not have to be afraid of Satan and his impersonations of the living and the dead, if we give our hearts to Jesus and stay away from all satanic activities such as séances, ouija boards, and other activities of spiritism.

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The devil is in the detail

by Paul Benware
December 26, 2018

The Devil does not wear red tights, have a pitchfork and is graced with a long pointed tail. The Devil is often so characterized, and the danger is that people are pushed towards the idea that he is some sort of cartoon character that we really don’t need to take seriously.

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Cultural foundations for fear of witchcraft in Africa

by Bruce L.Bauer

This article seeks to answer questions concerning the cultural foundations that produce so much fear that people are willing to lynch and exile family members and other accused witches, fear that allows otherwise committed Christians to carry protective devices obtained from diviners and other religious practitioners.

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Should you talk to Demons?

by Don Ibbitson

There is some level of debate among deliverance ministers as to whether or not one should speak to, or ask questions of demonic spirits during deliverance.

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Astrology and New Age

by Tony Pearce

Millions of people around the world consult astrologers and horoscopes for guidance on every aspect of their lives. Astrology teaches that the positions of the stars, moon and planets exert a mysterious influence on people, places, events and things.

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Circle Making and “Prayer Circles” versus the straight line of truth (2)

by Cedric Fisher and Nanci Des Gerlaise
December 18, 2017

There are countless examples in pagan, wiccan, and New Age literature that refer to circles. If drawing prayer circles is such a wonderful God-inspired idea, how is it that Satanists and those in the occult consider circles a major part of their belief system? Could it be that the church is merely imitating an occultic practice?

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