by Dr. Gregory Reid
October 27, 2015
What is Halloween? It is a pagan holiday. It is a Druid celebration of the dead. Samhain – or Saman – the druid Lord of the Dead – is given his worship on this
by Heart Publications
November 21, 2017
Satanist Ritual Abuse is a brutal form of abuse of children, youth and vulnerable adults, consisting of physical, sexual and psychological abuse, and involving the use of Satanist rituals.
by Dave Hunt
The subtlety of eastern religion is that it enters like an odourless poison gas, seeping under the door, through the keyhole, in through the open window, so that the man in the room is overcome without his ever realising that there was any danger at all – Os Guiness
by Marcia Montenegro
Magic: The Gathering calls for intricate strategy and shrewd plays. However, that strategy is worked out within the dark context of the occult.
Author: Dave Hunt
As this timely reprint of the best-selling 1998 first edition powerfully documents, today’s popular obsession with spiritual revolution, “societal transformation,” paranormal activity, and “supernatural” signs and wonders has not just magically appeared by chance.
by Vigilant Citizen
June 3, 2016
Attended by Europe’s most powerful people, the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland was a dark, disturbing, weirdly satanic ritual.
by Berit Kjos
Who are the strange little creatures from Japan that have suddenly become global super-stars? Most kids know the answer well: They are called Pokemon (short for POCKEt MONster and pronounced Poh-keh-mon), and they have stirred up some mixed reactions.
by Berit Kjos
December 13, 2015
Popular occultism is spreading fast, and the “spirit world” has become increasingly more accessible. But few families are equipped to resist it. Contemporary churches offer little or no help. Most simply ignore the danger or endorse the “fun.” To avoid offense, the word evil is dropped from their vocabulary.
by Watchman Fellowship
Alice Bailey spent the majority of her years working out what she referred to as “The Plan.” As a result of her works, many other groups have been birthed or influenced. They continue to promulgate Alice Bailey’s message of “world peace,” the divinity of all mankind, the unity of all religions, and service to mankind.
by James Walker
The term “occult” is derived from the latin word occultus which means to cover up, to hide, or those things which are hidden or secret. When used in this paper the word “occult” means any attempt to gain supernatural knowledge or power apart from the God of the Bible. There are basically three types of occultism – Psychic discerment groups, Paganism and Spiritism.
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