Category: Occult





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The Ouija Board – Part 2

by Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. John Weldon

Despite the warnings, many people view the Ouija board as a harmless pastime. However, Drs. Ankerberg and Weldon show evidence that there can be serious consequences for those who participate in its use.

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Mantras and Mandalas

by Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon

Mantras are sacred sounds and mandalas are sacred pictures employed for specific spiritual purposes such as occult forms of meditation, en­lightenment, and contact or union with various gods and deities. The se of mantras and mandalas is most frequently associated with traditional Hinduism and Buddhism. Many mantras and some mandalas are held to have originated as a supernatural revelation from the gods or spirits with which they are associated.

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The Dangers of Hypnotism

by Good News Post

Hypnotism is dangerous for a number of reasons not the least being that it opens the mind to believe almost anything. As one researcher put it, “hypnotic induction…consists of a system of verbal and nonverbal manipulation to lead a person into a heightened state of suggestibility — more simply, a condition in which one will believe almost anything.”

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The Enneagram GPS: Gnostic path to self

by Marcia Montenegro
March 2011

A simple investigation into the Enneagram reveals that its theories of personality are based on esoteric teachings and an occult worldview. The clear origin and purpose of the Enneagram is to initiate a Gnostic spiritual awakening to one’s alleged true divine Self, which is in itself an occult initiation.

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Yoga and Transcendental Meditation – a Christian Option?

by George Smith

During the past twenty years or so there has been a remarkable interest and growth in many alternative medical therapies or so called ‘holistic’ medicine. Holistic means taking into consideration the total ‘make-up’ of a person including their body, mind, emotions and spirit. The popularity of various therapies has resulted from many factors. These include a degree of disillusionment with orthodox medicine and an awareness of possible side-effects of drug therapies.

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Dream Catchers – Those Popular Spidery “Sacred Hoops”

by Nanci Des Gerlaise

Dream catchers—those spidery “sacred hoops” with feathers. They originated with the Ojibwa tribe during the ’60s and ’70s, supposedly to protect a sleeper by “catching” bad dreams or evil spirits. Then they caught on with other tribes and spread through the New Age movement into popular culture. Today, it is not uncommon to see dream catchers in gift and variety stores.

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The Satanic Temple Is Handing Out Children’s Coloring Books to Students in Florida

by Andrew LaSane
September 17, 2014

The legal battle you didn’t know was going on in Orange County, Florida. is over, and the Satanists have won.  The Satanic Temple recently posted a press release to their website announcing that they will begin distributing The Satanic Children’s BIG BOOK of Activities to schools in the area. The release explains that the School Board in Orange County “allowed an evangelical Christian group to distribute Bibles while censoring atheist materials” from the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

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How the New Age has “creeped” Into the church

by Ray Yungen

A mystical pragmatism is growing particularly fast through various New Age healing techniques. One such procedure is called Reiki, a Japanese word that translates to Universal Life Energy or God energy. It has also been referred to as the radiance technique. Reiki is an ancient Tibetan Buddhist healing system, rediscovered by a Japanese man in the 1800s, that only recently has come to the West.

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The Truth About Yoga

by Holly Vicente Robaina

Yoga led Laurette Willis into a New Age lifestyle. Now she’s warning others of the spiritual pitfalls—and offering an alternative.

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Acupuncture and the Bible

by jesus-is-saviour

Most holistic healers believe that illness is a spiritual condition, and they use methods based in occultism and Eastern religious views. Acupuncture originates in the belief that the yin-yang forces flow along invisible pathways in the body called meridians.

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