By Rev. Paul Seiler
Astrology is exceedingly popular in the Western world today. One can hardly pick up a newspaper without finding an astrological chart somewhere in it. Many television programs and radio stations have regular astrological programs, where you can hear the latest predictions for your life.
By Rev. Paul Seiler
Divination has been practiced from ancient times, it was one of the abominable practices of the Canaanites, condemned by God. It has been regularly practiced hroughout the ages in almost every culture. One of the oldest forms of divination is the use of a rod and pendulum. The second oldest form is astrology and then palmistry. Divination is widespread in Australia and the Western world in our day.
by Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon
Demons are not the spirits of dead men, or of some pre-Adamite race, nor are demons merely personifications of evil, or of natural forces, such as the ‘gods’ of nature. So what are they?
by ChristianAnswers.Net
Today, many people dabble in the mystical, occultic arts. Is there anything wrong with being involved in these practices?
by Jan Markell
I was planning to write about a current event issue when this story hit my in-box. I am no longer shocked by issues like what I am about to report. Our kids and teens have been seduced for decades. Harry Potter hasn’t helped nor has Twilight. Both kids and adults have been introduced to the paranormal in dozens of TV programs and movies. So much so, in fact, that the paranormal is the new normal.
by Chris Lawson
Today, with many Christian leaders endorsing things like yoga (Christian Yoga), Contemplative (centering) prayer, Christianized meditation, mantras and altered stated of consciousness – all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, it is no wonder that mystical manifestations of occult power are being experienced in Churches and in believers’ lives.
by Ray Yungen
Many Christians might have great difficulty accepting the assessment that what is termed Christian mysticism is, in truth, not Christian at all. They might feel this rejection is spawned by a heresy hunting mentality that completely ignores the love and devotion to God that also accompanies the mystical life.
by Marcia Montenegro
Astrology is based on the magical belief that the planetary positions at one’s birth time & birthplace reflect that person’s character, lessons in life, challenges, and spiritual path.
by Marcia Montenegro
Television psychic hotlines and shows featuring psychics have become more popular. Psychics (sometimes called clairvoyants) will tell you that everyone has psychic ability which can be developed. Just who are these psychics to tell us what is normal? Shouldn’t we examine their practices, ideas, and claims, and see what God has to say about all this first?
by Marcia Montenegro
Have you ever glanced over at the horoscope column in a newspaper or magazine just for “fun” or out of curiosity? Do you even deliberately look for it each day?
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