Category: United Nations





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Olga Meshoe’s Message to UNHRC: End Anti-Israel Lies that Stop Africa’s Progress

by South African Friends of Israel
June 15, 2022

Accusations of apartheid makes peace for Israelis and Palestinians unattainable because it creates a barrier from holding Hamas and the Palestinian Authority accountable for the mistreatment of the Palestinian people. As well as attacks against Israelis be they Jewish, Arab, Druze or Christian. And because it prevents the truth. There can be no justice without truth.  

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The U.N. hates hate speech more than it loves free speech (2)

by Jacob Mchangama
February 28, 2019

The U.N. should and must fight racism and hate speech. But any attempt at widening the definition and strengthening the enforcement of hate speech bans under international law creates a clear and present danger for freedom of expression already under global attack.

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Transgender and the church

by Tony Pearce

A real threat is posed to schools from organisations such as Mermaids. They implement a new ideological tyranny – and any disagreement is at best silenced and at worst, punished. The number of children confused about their sex and gender and seeking treatment is escalating.

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The U.N.’s parade of dictators

by Claudia Rosett – Forbes
September 25, 2015

Founded in 1945 to promote global peace, human dignity and freedom, the United Nations is celebrating its 70th anniversary — with a parade of dictators. The ceremonies will peak on Monday, at U.N. headquarters in New York, when the General Assembly opens its annual debate with a lineup starring the presidents of such notorious tyrannies as China, Russia, Iran and Cuba.

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A Brief History & Description of Agenda 21

by Kelly OConnell
August 1, 2012

Agenda 21 is a plank of UN policy encouraging the globe to embrace Sustainable Development, which conservatives understand as a code word for global Marxism. Sustainable development sounds like a nice idea, right? It sounds nice, until you scratch the surface and find that Agenda 21 and sustainable development are really cloaked plans to impose the tenets of social justice/socialism on the world. At risk from Agenda 21; Private property ownership; Single-family homes; Private car ownership and individual travel choices; and Privately owned farms.

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