by Ray Yungen
October 17, 2015
Pope Francis sees the various religions as one family. He is bringing Thomas Merton’s ideas of unity to the table of global unity among all humanity. Thomas Merton’s “contemplative style” saw no contradiction between Christianity and Buddhism. When Pope Francis praised Thomas Merton, he gave a green light for everyone to embrace interspirituality. And where there is interspirituality, there is no place for the Cross of Jesus Christ.
Modern society, so seemingly secular and hopelessly materialistic, desperately searches for some spiritual and supernatural meaning. If angels can provide it, then angels it will be. The bookstores abound with books on this subject. These books not only claim encounters with angels, but instruct people on how to contact them.
by Michael Price
People today are more connected to one another than ever before in human history, thanks to Internet-based social networking sites and text messaging. But they’re also more lonely and distant from one another in their unplugged lives, says Massachusetts Institute of Technology social psychologist Sherry Turkle, PhD. This is not only changing the way we interact online, it’s straining our personal relationships, as well.
by John McArthur
One of the most talked-about books of 2011 was Heaven Is for Real, by Todd Burpo with Lynn Vincent. The book recounts four-year-old Colton Burpo’s vision of heaven. Colton claims he visited heaven during surgery after a burst appendix nearly took his life.
by Agencies and Times of Israel staff
March 9, 2016
Senior officer says missiles with 2,000-kilometer range, capable of reaching Israel, are geared ‘to confront the Zionist regime’
by Ron Rhodes
April 25, 2014
Are there ghosts? Are there dead people walking the earth as spirits? Are living people today communicating with the dead? Do ghosts provide hard-core proof for life after death? In what follows, I will briefly address these and other pertinent questions related to ghost phenomena.
by John Weldon
Masonry is a distinct religion that espouses teachings incompatible with Christian faith in the areas of God, salvation, and other important doctrines. It is therefore inconsistent for any Christian to swear the oaths of Masonry to uphold and support the Lodge when Masonry’s own ritual, doctrines, and impact in history have denied and opposed biblical teaching.
by Paul Zukeran
January 31, 2010
The new atheists are not presenting new arguments; however, their method of promoting their ideas very aggressively with strong, confrontational, and condemning language is unique. They have gained a following amongst the young academic crowd, and they have been quite influential in public education. Some of the notable atheists who have written popular works include Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Dan Barker, and Christopher Hitchens.
by Michael Houdmann
Answer: In order to understand absolute or universal truth, we must begin by defining truth. Truth, according to the dictionary, is “conformity to fact or actuality; a statement proven to be or accepted as true.” Some people would say that there is no true reality, only perceptions and opinions. Others would argue that there must be some absolute reality or truth.
by Howard Green
There are continued reports of ISIS fighters in the vicinity of the Golan Heights and incursions into Egypt’s Sinai peninsula. What do these developments mean for Israel and are they prophetically significant?
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